
What is USTA Tennis?

The USTA has what is called Level Tournaments that is followed throughout the United States.  This new system (for Texas) helps standardize tournaments across the board so players and families know what to expect, no matter where they are.  For families that relocate around the country, the consistent tournament structure makes it easy to jump back into tournaments.   There are 7 ‘levels’ of tournaments.  The higher the ‘level’ of tournament the more points players receive for wins that go towards their sectional and national rankings. 


All USTA tournaments will have a 3 match guarantee as long as there are enough players (4) in the draw.  Previous tournament set-up was only a two match guarantee (after first round, once you lost, you were out of the tournament).  Depending on the draw size, players will have 3-4 matches at each tournament. So, please encourage others to sign up and get those draws filled! **remember, Level 7 tournaments are a One day tournament and ALL other tournaments are a two day tournaments.  Please be prepared to play BOTH Saturday and Sunday.

Players DO need to have a USTA Junior Membership…which is now FREE!  Don’t have one yet?  Get one HERE.

2024 Tournament Schedule