What is UTR Tennis?

Universal Tennis is a newer tournament concept that does not have a RANKING system like the USTA does.  This platform uses an algorithm that ‘rates’ players from a 1 – 17. (Someone who has never played will be a 1 and tops pros are 16+).  Each match and the scores will have a deciding factor as to if your rating goes up or down.  Typically, one good match won’t move the needle much, but consistent play (even losing close to a better player) over a period of time will improve ratings. 

You will typically find a wide variety of player at these tournaments.   The vast majority of these tournaments do not have an age or gender specification.  So, a 13 year old boy might be in the same draw as 16 year old girl or a 35 year old man.  This is a really unique opportunity for players to compete against a wider variety of players! 

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